The Safari Hat

Meet Jessica, Safari With Us’ Content Marketing Strategist

Journaling about her Upcoming African Adventure

South Africa, here I come!

Hi, I’m Jessica, Content Marketing Strategist for Safari With Us! I’m a bit nervous about plastering my face on the internet, but I wanted to finally introduce myself and show you my new safari hat!

Why? Because TODAY in ONE month is the day I’ll arrive in South Africa to start my 3 week African journey! OMG, I’m SO excited!

What? I’ve never been there before? Nope. I’m actually a US American living in Germany and work remotely for Safari With Us, but I’ve taken this opportunity and bought my ticket to paradise! I’m also going to meet the peeps who own and operate Safari With Us. If you’ve ever worked with a virtual team, you’ll know how refreshing it is to finally meet the people you talk to on a regular basis. I’m so thankful!

Jessica's sporting a pretty spiffy safari hat

About Myself

I’m a freelancing marketer wannabe wanderlusterer. I moved to Germany in 1995 and have traveled around a bit since then, but I’ve only visited 2 continents (N. America and Europe), so I’m due for this adventure!

South Africa has been on my bucket list since I was a little girl. I love animals, big and small, fast and slow, and I’m thrilled to soon be able to observe them in the wild! I also envision a world where all animals are treated with respect. One day, I hope to see poaching and trophy hunting a thing of the past which is why I wanted to work with Safari With Us, an ethical tour operator who shares the same vision.

About My Trip

One day at breakfast – or dinner, I can’t remember – I brought up the discussion of summer vacation. Always an interesting topic in my family. My husband always wants to have a say in the destination, but that’s about it. I usually take care of the rest unless we’re sightseeing several cities, then it’s up to him to plan the routes because 1) he likes to drive and 2) he’s a history buff.

Anyway, I said, what about South Africa? He took about a millisecond to think about it and said, ‘Why not?’. There you have it folks, I got a ‘why not?’ That’s all the encouragement I needed! We soon booked the flight to Johannesburg and planned all the details.

We’re not just hitting South Africa either, but also Botswana and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. I’ll talk about our destinations later.

AND I’m not just traveling with my husband and our 9 year old daughter. No, no, we’re bringing my 68 year old mother-in-law with us! Again, what? Yes, it’s true, she’s coming along too! Three generations going on a safari – puh, this IS going to be entertaining!

My tabby, Mia, and chocolate lab, Nala, have to stay home though. Mia will be glad to not have to travel, but usually Nala comes with us, so she’s kinda upset about being left behind this time, but we can’t let her play with the big kitties over there, now can we? They will be well taken care of though since I arranged for a house/pet sitter to stay at our home while we’re gone.

Mia and Nala, Jessica's pets

So, Yeah, About My Safari Hat!

This was a bit of a pain. I ordered 2 hats online, one for me and one for my daughter. I didn’t like it though. The rim was floppy and I found out in hindsight that it was way too expensive (50 eur!), so I sent mine back and kept my daughter’s because she really liked it. It has a fox on it! Sigh, what are ya gonna do?

I bought another one for me, but it was too small, so I sent it back and got the next size up and it fits well. Altogether with having to pay for shipping it back (I didn’t like that part), I spent under 20 eur, MUCH better. The rim is stiff and I can snap it up, but don’t know why I would want to. Anyone know why? I don’t want my ears to burn!

Why am I Telling You All This?

Because I want to take you on the journey with me, the more the merrier, so please keep an eye out here because starting today, I’ll write about whatever comes to mind about our trip: the preparing, organizing, packing, vaccinations, shopping, etc. AND once we’re over there, I’ll share information about all things beautiful and magical!

If you have anything specific you’d like me to address or have any tips yourself to share with me before my trip, oh, please, comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

[quote align=”center”]I’m not just traveling with my husband and our 9 year old daughter. No, no, we’re bringing my 68 year old mother-in-law with us! Three generations going on a safari![/quote]

Wanna feel like you’re going on this tour with me?

Follow the shenanigans of 3 generations going on a safari and
connect with us on our social channels! I’ll be hashtagging my posts: #jessicainafrica

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Happy traveling,


Is an African safari on your bucket list too?

Yes, Hook Me Up!

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